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The Journey

Writer's picture: Jaime CollinsJaime Collins

The Journey of the Spiritual Self: How do you live the life you intend, during your lifetime on Earth?

You came here to learn some lessons and to grow spirituality, and evolve your soul so to speak. I didn't used to believe this, I questioned everything. Like you should, because life is a journey and it's up to you to find your way. I am simply here to share my journey (so far!) and to either plant a seed or confirm your beliefs, that you are divinely guided and protected at all times. We just need to find our way. We need to find out how.

Save the Date: November 25

Huntsville, ON

Here is my story: Who is J’aime?

My name is Jaime of J’aime Reiki and Yoga.

J’aime because my name means “I love” in French. Love is the language of the world and how we can connect with ourselves and others. The greatest gift you can give the world is to love yourself! Loving yourself enough to take care of yourself, your needs, and your purpose here.

I spent most of my life living in fear which created feelings of anxiety and depression. My perspective was always that this world was a scary place and I really didn’t want to be a part of it. Because of this fear, I really did not have a sense of Self. So I medicated, I rationalized, and I wore numerous hats to fit in. I was simply in survival mode. This meant I spent a lot of time in fight or flight, feeling stressed, overworked, and overwhelmed by life.

I was lost. At times, I really didn’t think there was a way out.

As I am reminded, sometimes the harder the fall, the higher the climb. If we made small mistakes, we might be quick to overlook them. A BIG mistake shakes us to our core and prompts us to want to change. And with change, comes learning and growth.

From where I stand now, there is a deep feeling of gratitude for those experiences as they led me to this place. To an awakening so to speak. I feel like some of us get to the point where we ask, What are we doing here? What is the point?

A lot of people say you will remember the exact moment you woke up. However, I have had a few of those moments as I feel like no matter how enlightened we feel we become, we are still learning, growing and evolving our souls.

So, I made a deliberate attempt to break free from patterns that didn’t serve me and committed to finding my way. My purpose. My dharma.

It definitely didn’t happen overnight but I knew that my current career as a school teacher wasn’t working for me. Try as hard as I might, it just didn’t FEEL right. What I didn’t realize then, was I was tapping into my Emotional Guidance System (Abraham Hicks). My higher Self was communicating with me, telling me through my emotions that I had other work to do. I started out as a school teacher because I wanted to give back to the community in some way. I wanted a job where I helped others and made them feel good. The first step for me was realizing that things had to change. I wanted to feel good too, so I NEEDED to do something I LOVED. That meant I had to make some hard decisions and face a world of change.

"Easy Decisions, Hard Life. Hard Decisions, Easy Life."

~ Jerzy Gregorek

So, it was time for reflecting, meditating, journaling and healing. What did I want to do but I felt like it was impossible? What did I love to do, AND what was I good at?

It has been a journey of reading, learning, courses, commitment and courage to find that my dharma is that of a Spiritual Teacher tapping into universal energy, and connecting with the non-physical world. The goal is to bridge that knowledge with practices such as Yoga and Reiki so we can all truly live on Earth as it is in Heaven.

We deserve to take care of ourselves - we need to be ‘selfish’ because it is the least ‘selfish’ thing you can do. If you are happy and living your purpose, your light shines so bright that you not only model that for others but you alter their energy for the better too!

I started J’aime Reiki and Yoga to provide that service to others. To help people break free from programs that are holding them back from realizing their true potential. Oftentimes our bodies are trying to tell us through 'dis'ease that we need to heal our minds, our thought patterns. To Heal from the past and make changes in the present. To slow down enough to realize their unique purpose in being here to live a life full of joy and ease.

If I can do it, I know you can too.

Reiki, Meditation, Mindfulness, Breathwork, Somatic Experiencing, Asana (movement-’Yoga’) all allow us to access our parasympathetic mode where we truly need to live most of the time. Our rest and digest mode. Where we can be more present in the moment and make better decisions.

On the contrary, we spend too much time stressed and reactive in sympathetic mode which is our fight or flight. It serves a purpose. However, it doesn’t serve the body, the mind or the soul to live here.

Four Step Process: To Live The Life Your Soul Intended.

  1. Recognize what isn’t working. Listen to your emotional guidance system, your communication with your higher Self. If it doesn’t feel right, explore that.

  2. Focus on healing your body, mind and soul, explore big and small traumas that are holding you back. Focus on feeling good, and taking time for yourself. Access your parasympathetic mode by exploring healing modalities for your body, mind and soul. Ex: Yoga, Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, Meditation, Mindfulness, Breath-work, Energy Healing… so many to name!

  3. Re-Discover your dharma through journaling, coaching, affirmations, and life experiences and reading (check out my booklist here!)

  4. Action & Faith - revisit step 2, take care of yourself and enjoy the journey. Your team-your angels, spirit guides and your higher Self have your back. You just need to ask them. Nothing is too big or too small, they want to help you.

Remember, you are one with the universe, you are here to learn and to grow as this persona here on Earth. You get one chance at being You because eventually you will return Home. So, practice acceptance and non-judgment of yourself and others. You will fall, you will climb. But, you will live a life beyond your wildest dreams if you commit to fulfilling the contract of why you came here. You are not alone, it’s ok to ask for help.

So, I am so looking forward to working with you to rest, heal, release and to connect with your higher Self. Whether that is a Reiki session, Yoga class, or Retreat, I'm here for you. We are truly here to support and love one another.

It is time to rest, heal, release and to connect with your higher Self.

Enjoy the journey.

Much love and gratitude,


"When I realize that I am the conduit for truth, I allow the messages from my Higher Power to flow through me effortlessly."



Break Free with J'aime

Novar, ON 

Serving Huntsville & Surrounding Area

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No part of this website and its intellectual property and contents may be reproduced in any format without permission.  The ideas, concepts, and opinions expressed by Jaime Collins, of J’aime Reiki & Yoga at are intended to be used for educational purposes only with the understanding that authors and publisher are not rendering medical advice of any kind, nor intended to replace medical advice, nor to diagnose, prescribe or treat any disease, condition, illness, or injury. It is imperative that before beginning any exercise program, you receive full medical clearance from a licensed physician. Authors and publisher claim no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the material presented by J’aime Reiki & Yoga at



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